It’s been a few days since I’ve been set free and the scales have come off my spiritual eyes. My mental fog is lifting. There has been a weight lifted off my soul.
I now see that I’m in a season of development. God is healing some old wounds that reopened after a very traumatic experience.
This past 11 months have been so painful and hard to navigate personally and professionally.
I’ve had some wins but for the most part, I’ve felt isolated, abandoned and rejected by my passion, my calling, and my people.
I’ve come to realize that God is not punishing me but developing me to operate at full capacity in my gifts and calling. I also understand it’s not the enemy who has me in this valley nor is it a miss step that I made. It’s simply God’s framework and development course. And He’s doing it because He doesn’t want me to miss out on the opportunity to live in full acceptance of me and His love.
Each day, I push towards a healthier relationship with myself and God; tuning out the noise of self sabotage and self imposed unworthiness.
A part of healing soul wounds is about accepting my story and being able to express it without fear of being judged, attacked or rejected by myself and others.
The truth shall truly make you free.
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